The most exciting aspect about tech, for me at least, is the exponential nature of technological change. We can see this in the big tech changes of the past 100 years. A century ago, the big technological change came from the invention of cars and planes, 70 years ago it was TV, 40 years ago the personal computer. Now, the pace of technological change is so fast that major new inventions are unveiled practically every day.
In fact, just a few days ago I was able to take part in a first-of-its-kind technological experiment. My good friend Enon Landenberg, the CEO of Infinity AR, invited me to participate in the first-ever Glass-to-Glass interview. The idea was that we would don Google’s cutting-edge wearable headset and use it to film both of our eye-level views of a tech conversation.
As someone who thrives on tech conversations, I have to admit I was very intrigued to do this experiment. We talked about the future of tech in light of the advancements made in augmented reality technology, and how AR itself will change in light of the emerging role of context. The importance of context in today’s age was eloquently explained by two other dear friends of mine, Robert Scoble and Shel Israel, who recently published their book “The Age Of Context.” Of course, our entire interview was colored through the unique lens of Google Glass, both in the sense that the device was a main topic of the conversation and was used to record it as well.
You can watch the full interview above.
There were, of course, some challenges with this format, such as the fact that the video moved along with our heads. It is also challenging initially to process the unnatural experience of watching a dual-first-person video. First-person video has been done before, but putting the two videos side-by-side creates a completely new experience.
As the experiment shows, and as the content of my conversation with Enon demonstrates, the way we communicate with each other is going to be radically transformed by the wearables technology that the masses will have readily available to them in the next few years. But more than that, the very way we experience conversation and communication is going to change because of devices like Glass and their ability to place information in new contexts that weren’t possible before.
What do you think?